룩셈부르크, 세계예서 가장 행복한 나라 6위

유엔 산하기구인 “지속 가능한 발전 솔루션 네트워크”에서 발표한 2022년 세계행복리포트에서 룩셈부르는 작년보다 2단계 상승한 6위에 선정되었다. 이번 세계 행복지수는 총 7가지 항목을 평가해서 순위가 매겨졌으며 룩셈부르크는 1인당 국민소득, 기대 건강수명, 삶의 자유로운 선택 항목에서 높은 점수를 받았다.

2022 World Happiness Report - rankingMeasuring happiness is not an easy task. The 2022 World Happiness Report weighs together a number of factor and declares Finland to be the happiest country in the world – a position the Nordic country has held for 5 consecutive years. It is followed by Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

Strong GDP performance

Luxembourg ranks 1st in the world in terms of GDP per capita, which is the individual factor with the strongest influence on the country’s place among the 10 happiest countries in the world. It also ranks 10th for the freedom that inhabitants feel that they have to make life choices, and 12th for life expectancy, among the 146 countries covered by the study.

Luxembourg is in 33rd place for social support (inhabitants’ perception of whether or not they can count on relatives and friends in case of difficulties) and in 34th for generosity, i.e. the proportion of people donating money to charities. In terms of corruption – the only category where a higher score is better than a lower one – Luxembourg ranks 130th.

Photo credit: Tristan Schmurr