크로스로드 매거진 (Crossroads Magazine): 룩셈부르크, 데이터 중심의 혁신적인 헬스테크

최근 발간된 룩셈부르크 크로스로드 매거진 (Crossroads Magazine) 은 헬스 테크 분야의 데이터 기반 혁신에 중점을 두고 있다. 이번 크로스로드 매거진 (Crossroads Magazine)에서는 혁신적인 헬스 테크 회사들이 유럽과 세계 시장에서 성장할 수 있는 강력한 생태계 구축에 관한 내용 등 룩셈부르크만의 독특한 모델에 대한 통찰력을 제공하고 있다.

Jean-Philippe Arié, Luxembourg HealthTech Cluster Manager, LuxinnovationThe healthcare sector is currently undergoing a real revolution across the world. “The main driver of this revolution is technology, and in particular digital technologies,” says Jean-Philippe Arié, Cluster Manager – HealthTech at national innovation agency Luxinnovation. “Digital innovations are impacting all aspects of the health sector, from prevention to care delivery and the functioning of hospitals.”

Our approach to stimulating healthtech innovation is characterised by the uniqueness of our country.

As all radical transformations, this leads to challenges, but also to new opportunities to improve people’s lives while also generating economic value – opportunities that are welcomed and supported in Luxembourg. “Our approach to stimulating healthtech innovation is characterised by the uniqueness of our country: Luxembourg is an economic hotspot with a fast-growing, very diverse population that is limited in numbers,” says Dr Arié. “It is therefore only natural for us to focus on two of our main strengths: our ability to be agile and put in place measures that create a fertile ecosystem for innovation and business development, and our globally connected economy that makes Luxembourg an excellent springboard for companies with ambitions to grow on an international scale.”

Crossroads Magazine: Data-driven healthtech innovation

The use of data plays a key role in healthtech innovation. “Over the past few years, the data-driven innovation strategy published by the Luxembourg government in 2019 has been implemented in different sectors. It is particularly important in the healthcare field where technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and augmented reality, as well as the harmonisation and standardisation of health data, are door openers to personalised medicine,” Dr Arié points out.

The Crossroads Magazine articles that will be published over the next few weeks will give a broad overview of how the country has systematically been building a strong ecosystem fostering healthtech innovation. They will put the spotlight on Luxembourg’s efforts to contribute to the creation of high-quality, standardised health data and solutions that facilitate the use of this data for research purposes in full respect of data protection regulations. They will showcase how the medical profession builds bridges between innovation and patient care, and feature a number of innovative companies that successfully develop and commercialise healthtech products in and from Luxembourg.

A unique model built on strong relationships

“Our unique model is built on strong relationships and close cooperation between innovative businesses, public research centres and authorities. It isn’t everywhere that young start-ups will have direct conversations with government ministries, but this is the case here,” says Dr Arié proudly.

It isn’t everywhere that young start-ups will have direct conversations with government ministries, but this is the case here.

Régis Ciré, Head of International Business Development Health technologies at LuxinnovationAs the manager of the Luxembourg HealthTech Cluster, he is constantly in contact with the main players in the ecosystem. “When new companies arrive in Luxembourg, we facilitate their introductions to all the partners they might need to get their projects going. We can also direct them towards the best support measures that will help them tailor their solutions to the European healthcare market, align with necessary regulations and success with their market launch,” Dr Arié underlines.

His colleague Régis Ciré, Head of International Business Development – Heathtech, is the first point of contact for healthtech businesses wishing to know more about what Luxembourg can offer them. “Healthtech companies interested in exploring Luxembourg as a base for scaling on the European market are more than welcome to get in touch with us,” he says.

Photos: © Luxinnovation/Marion Dessard