핀테크 스타트업을 대상으로 열리는 핀테크 어워즈 룩셈부르크(FinTech Awards Luxembourg)620일 룩셈부르크에서 개최된다. 핀테크 어워즈 룩셈부르크는 핀테크 스타트업들을 위한 경연대회로 룩셈부르크 금융 산업 관계자들 및 경영진들과의 네트워크 구축의 기회를 제공한다.


온라인 지원 마감 일자는 51일이며, 1차 지원을 통해 선정된 15개의 스타트업은 620일 본선 당일 올해의 핀테크 스타트업으로 겨루게 된다.

Rising stars from the fintech startup universe are invited to apply for several prizes and the chance to build their networks and credibility with senior decision-makers and CEOs from the Luxembourg financial services community. This represents real and tangible opportunities for them to acquire new clients for their solutions and businesses.


The Fintech Awards are an amazing opportunity for fintech firms from across the globe to connect with the vibrant Luxembourg ecosystem and build credibility with the financial institutions here. In particular, the Luxembourg finance industry is hungry for solutions related to fund management, insurance, and private banking, as well as data science, AI, and regulatory and compliance technology (‘regtech’).


Applications for the Awards will close on 1 May.

Fifteen startups will then be selected to go through to Competition Day on 20 June, where they will be whittled down to seven finalists who will compete to be Fintech Startup of the Year. Prizes will also go to the first and second runner ups.


The winners will be announced during the awards ceremony and after-party on the KPMG Plage beach in Luxembourg on 20 June in the presence of the Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel and Luxembourg Finance Minister Pierre Gramegna.


The Awards are organised by the LHoFT and KPMG Luxembourg, in collaboration with Digital Lëtzebuerg, the Luxembourg ICT Cluster, LuxInnovation, and Maison Moderne.


You can apply for the awards at www.fintechawards.lu.

