룩셈부르크, 1인당 정부 R&D 지출 EU 국가 중 1위

유로스타트 (EUROSTAT)의 최근 통계에 따르면 룩셈부르크 정부는 인구 대비 유럽 연합 국가 중에서 가장 많은 정부 예산을 R&D에 할당하고 있다.


R&D budget per capita 2022According to EUROSTAT, the total government budget allocation for R&D across the EU in 2021 was €109,250 million, which corresponds to €244 per person. This corresponds to an increase of 33% since 2011.

Luxembourg biggest R&D budget per person

With €689 per person, the Luxembourg government is the biggest R&D spender in the EU in terms of budget allocation per inhabitant. This reflects the strong national determination to boost and facilitate R&D and innovation in the country.

Luxembourg is followed by Denmark (€530) and Germany (€471).
