룩셈부르크, 유럽 국외거주자가 선정한 탑 10 도시에 선정

글로벌 모빌리티 전문 ECA 인터내셔널이 최근 발표한 보고서 중 유럽 국외거주자들에게 최상의 삶의 질을 제공하는 도시 부문에서 룩셈부르크가 9위를 차지했다. 선정 기준으로는 기후, 보건 서비스, 주택, 여가, 인프라, 보안, 정치적 긴장 및 대기 질이 포함되었다.

Global Liveability Report 2020 rankingGlobal mobility expert ECA International has recently published a new edition of its report on top locations for European expats. The report lists the cities across the world that offer the best quality of life for European expatriates. The report evaluates several factors in order to estimate the quality of life in over 490 cities. Criteria include climate, the availability of health services, housing, social networks and leisure, infrastructure, personal security, political tensions and air quality.

Copenhagen and Bern jointly top the ranking. Just like the two previous years, Luxembourg City ranks 9th and is ahead of other attractive locations such as Munich, Vienna, Hamburg and Stockholm.

Photo: © Luxinnovation / Sabino Parente

Source: https://www.tradeandinvest.lu/news/luxembourg-among-top-10-locations-for-european-expatriates/