룩셈부르크, 인재 경쟁력 전세계 9위

스위스 국제경영개발연구원의 국제경쟁력센터(IMD World Competiveness Centre)가 지난 21일 발표한 2018 세계 인재 평가(IMD World Talent Ranking 2018)에 따르면 룩셈부르크
가 인재 경쟁력 지수 평가 100점 만점에 81.63점으로 조사 대상 63개국 가운데 9위에 올랐다.

인재 경쟁력 지수는 30개 항목을 평가하며 투자 개발(Investment & Development, 8개)과 매력도(Appeal, 10개), 준비성(Readiness, 12개) 등 3대 카테고리로 순위를 매기는 지수이다.
룩셈부르크는 특히 인재를 유치하는 “매력도(Appeal)” 부문에서 높은 성적을 보였다 (4위).

Luxembourg ranks 9th in the world for its ability to develop, attract and retain highly skilled professionals. The country even gains one place in this year’s edition of the IMD World Talent Ranking.

The IMD World Competitiveness Centre considers a skilled and educated workforce as a key factor for enhancing the competitiveness and long-term prosperity of a country, in particular in view of the rapidly increasing use of artificial intelligence, robotics and other new technologies. In the IMD World Talent Ranking 2018, the Centre studies the ability of 63 economies to develop local talent and attract staff from other countries with a focus on three main factors:
Investment and Development, which measures the resources committed to cultivating home-grown human capital
Appeal, which evaluates the extent to which a country attracts foreign talent and retains professionals from the local talent pool
Readiness, which quantifies the quality of the skills and competencies available in the country

Excellent capacity to appeal to talent

IMD attracting talent rankingLuxembourg performs particularly well in the category “Appeal” and ranks 4th among all countries included in the study. The country offers attractive remuneration of management as well as in services professions, attracts foreign highly skilled personnel to its business environment and is not hindered by brain drain. Attracting and retaining talents is a high priority for companies. The high quality of life is also worth mentioning.

International skills

Luxembourg also ranks very well in terms of “Readiness” (11th place). Its labour force growth is second in the world. The language skills of staff is also outstanding and senior management has significant international experience.

The country is on 18th place in the “Invest and Development” category. Nevertheless, its pupil-teacher ratio in primary education ranks 4th in the world. Employee training is also a high priority for companies


