룩셈부르크, 전세계 2위 녹색 금융 센터

지난 3월 발표된 글로벌 녹색 금융 지수(Global Green Finance Index, GGFI) 조사에 따르면, 룩셈부르크는 녹색 금융 투자 부문 전세계 2위를 차지했다.

녹색금융이란 녹색성장을 위한 금융지원뿐만 아니라 다양한 녹색금융상품을 통한 환경개선 및 신 금융상품 개발, 리스크 관리기법 개선 등으로 인한 금융산업 발전까지 동시에 추구하는 새로운 금융형태이다.

Financial services are an essential component of a sustainable economy, which meets the needs of stakeholders, enhances quality of life, protects the environment and addresses global issues such as climate change. The Global Green Finance Index (GGFI), published on 14 March 2018 ranks the world’s financial centres according to perceptions of the quality and depth of their green finance offerings. Thereby GGFI seeks to encourage financial centres to become greener and develop financial services in a way that enables society to live within planetary boundaries. The index gives a measure of how financial centres are responding to this challenge.

According to the GGFI first edition, the Grand Duchy ranks 2nd in Green Finance Penetration.
The GGFI specifically mentions the Luxembourg Green Exchange, which was launched in 2016, citing it as a key element in Luxembourg’s ranking and acknowledging it for quality and depth of its green finance offerings.
