룩셈부르크 정부, 엔비디아와 협력해 국립 AI 연구소 설립

룩셈부르크 정부와 미국 반도체 업체 엔비디아(NVIDIA)가 국립 인공지능(AI) 연구소 설립을 위해 협력한다.

The Luxembourg government, the country’s scientific community and NVIDIA will create a joint research laboratory for artificial intelligence (AI). Focusing on using AI and high performance computing to search for solutions to major societal challenges, the collaboration will also be successively opened to industrial companies and start-ups.

The joint research laboratory, the first of its kind in Europe, will enable close collaboration between the members of Luxembourg’s research community and NVIDIA, a global AI leader employing some of the best IT specialists in the world. The partnership has been put in place in the context of the governmental initiative Digital Luxembourg that aims to strengthen Luxembourg’s status as a digital pioneer.

“AI research with direct support from NVIDIA is something quite extraordinary.”

“I’m happy to see that NVIDIA wants to be part of the expanding pan-European innovation ecosystem in Luxembourg,” says Prime Minister Xavier Bettel. “Digital Luxembourg has again proven its capacity to offer the necessary leverage to our innovators for realising major progress: AI research with direct support from NVIDIA is something quite extraordinary.”

A multidisciplinary partnership

NVIDIA, the High Performance Computing centre of the University of Luxembourg, the university’s Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) and its Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) as well as the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) have initially committed to designate a team of six people to work on joint projects. “This partnership will give our researchers access to state-of-the-art equipment and, in particular, allow them to benefit from NVIDIA’s experience to treat real-world problems by using AI,” says Stéphane Pallange, the rector of the University of Luxembourg. “We are particularly enthusiastic about the multidisciplinary nature of the partnership.”

LIST will benefit from the high performance computing (HPC) capacities brought by the partnership for its research work in several innovative areas, including in particular industry 4.0, finance, regtech, the environment and autonomous vehicles. “NVIDIA clearly offers the best HPC technology,” says Fernand Reinig, the acting CEO of LIST.

Industry benefits

In Luxembourg, the demand for AI-related technologies in growing, notably in the fields of finance, healthcare and space resources research. Although the joint AI laboratory has initially been established for the scientific community, the founders want to open it up to the business world. Company collaboration is also a natural part of the research to be conducted. “Thanks to our numerous industrial partnerships, LIST will benefit from this agreement to facilitate the links between NVIDIA’s technologies and innovation in local industry,” explains Mr Reinig.

“LIST will benefit from this agreement to facilitate the links between NVIDIA’s technologies and innovation in local industry.”

In addition, Digital Luxembourg will also support the setting up of AI trainings. These will target innovation and research players in Luxembourg, but will also be open for industry and individuals.

As a “big data” hub, Luxembourg offers an excellent location for the development and internationalisation of digital companies as well as for innovation.
