룩셈부르크 여권, 여전히 세계 최고의 여권 중 하나

영국 이민 컨설팅 회사 헨리앤파트너스가 189개국의 여권을 대상으로 발표한 헨리 여권 지수(Henley passport index)는 특정 국가의 여권을 소지했을 때 무비자로 쉽게 입국이 가능한 국가의 개수를 합산해 산출한 순위다. 2023년 3분기 발표된 세계 여권 지수 순위에서 룩셈부르크와 대한민국이 공동3위를 차지했다.

The Henley Passport Index contains 18 years of historical data. Since its first release in 2006, the Grand Duchy has featured in the top six. In the 2023 ranking, Luxembourg features in the top three.

Its lowest position on the index was in 2016 (#6), while its highest one was in 2013, when it was ranked among the second strongest passports in the world, alongside Denmark, Germany, and the United States.

In the 2023 ranking, Luxembourg features in the top three.

Global Passport Ranking While its current standing in third place may appear to be lower than its highest ranking in 2013, it should be noted that the number of countries to which Luxembourg passport holders have access has expanded year after year. From 172 in 2013 to 189 in 2023. This is most likely owing to the index’s increased inclusion of destinations overtime. There are presently 199 passports and 227 different destinations accounted for.

Singapore currently has the world’s strongest passport. Germany, Italy, and Spain are ranked second, while Austria, Finland, France, Japan, South Korea, and Sweden share the third position with Luxembourg.

2nd position in Arton Index

The Arton Capital Passport Index, which is another well-known global index that includes a 199 UN member countries and territories in total, ranks Luxembourg in second place with a mobility score of 175. According to it, the United Arab Emirates ranks first in the world with a mobility score of 180.

Arton Capital Passport Index ranks Luxembourg in second place.

The number of destinations that a passport holder can visit without a visa or other pre-departure restrictions is used to determine the strength of a passport. Visa-free entry, including visa on arrival, electronic travel authority (eTA), and eVisas, are widely regarded as “visa-free” by both indexes.

Photo credit: Claudy Decoux/Unsplash
Source: https://www.tradeandinvest.lu/news/luxembourgs-passport-remains-one-of-the-best-in-the-world/