새로 발매된 Crossroads Magazine, 룩셈부르크 비즈니스 기회에 대해 강조

룩셈부르크 투자&무역 사무소에서 발행되는 새로운 국제 간행물 “Crossroads” 잡지 초판이 이제 막 출판되었다. 이 잡지는 룩셈부르크 경제의 기술적 우수성과 혁신 잠재력을 강조하며, 특히 첫 번째호는 룩셈부르크 클린테크 환경과 COVID -19 이후의 시장 동향 및 새로운 기회에 중점을 두고 있다.

The new Crossroads Magazine is a central platform from which to promote Luxembourg as an attractive business destination for international investors. “I’m delighted to announce this first edition of Luxembourg’s new publication aimed at companies across the globe looking for a perfect location to launch or expand their business in Europe,” says Sasha Baillie, CEO of Luxinnovation. Edited by Luxinnovation, Crossroads Magazine builds on the same foundation as its predecessor, Happen.

Clean technologies and post COVID-19 market trends

Making the economy sustainable while remaining highly competitive is a priority in Luxembourg, and the first edition of the magazine dives deep into the topic of clean technologies. It includes an interview with Minister of the Economy Franz Fayot on what the country has to offer in this field, and highlights how companies can use clean technologies and circular business models to acquire a competitive advantage.

Crossroads Magazine also looks into new business opportunities that have emerged as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic. “Many companies are today struggling to survive, but the crisis has also spurred innovation,” Ms Baillie points out. “A tremendous amount has been done in Luxembourg to support companies during these difficult times and help them recover and possibly become even stronger and more competitive.”

Augmented reality features, digital version

The printed version of the magazine, which includes augmented reality features to make it more interactive, is primarily distributed by the Luxembourg Trade and Investment Offices (LTIOs) and embassies across the world. For the first time, Luxinnovation has also released an animated, digital version of the magazine that can be read on any device.

International companies interested in knowing more about specific opportunities in Luxembourg to help their business are invited to contact the LTIOs, whose contact details can be found at the end of the magazine. “We would be delighted to welcome you to Luxembourg, either digitally or in person once that is again possible,” Ms Baillie concludes.
