룩셈부르크 스타트업 경연대회 Pitch your startup: 10만 유로 상당의 상금에 도전하세요

유럽 ICT와 핀테크 산업 허브인 룩셈부르크에서 유망 스타트업들을 지원하기 위한 스타트업 경연 대회 ‘Pitch your startup’이 개최된다. 올해로 5년째인 이번 대회는 스타트업들의 온라인 지원을 받아 본선 진출 기업을 선발하며, ICT SPRING 박람회 기간 내 개최되는 본선 경연에서 발표를 통해 선발된 최종 우승자에게는 10만 유로의 상당의 상금이 주어진다.

The 5th edition of Pitch Your Start-up will take place on 21 May 2019. Local and international start-ups can already apply online to try to win €100,000 in prize money. Participation is free of charge.

Pitch Your Start-up puts talented entrepreneurs with great ideas in the spotlight. The competition was launched five years ago by Docler Holding in close collaboration with Luxinnovation to bring together local and international players, foster innovative ideas and showcase Luxembourg’s start-up scene at the international level. It takes place at ICT Spring, an annual tech summit dedicated to expanding networks for decision makers in IT, finance, banking and the web, as well as marketers, investors, entrepreneurs, innovation managers, startups, researchers and venture capitalists across Europe.

3 minutes & 33 seconds to pitch

60 start-ups will be offered the opportunity to pitch on 21 May. Each will have a pitching slot of 3 minutes and 33 seconds, followed by 2 minutes of questions and answers, to convince the jury composed of seasoned international experts. As in previous years, the competition will be open to start-ups that have an average turnover of less than €500,000 and a headcount of up to 15 people.

Four categories

In order to be eligible, start-ups must be active in one of the following fields:
Fintech & regtech: start-ups whose primary technology aims to help established financial systems improve their operations and/or functionality – or to flat out disrupt them
Artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data: start-ups whose primary technology uses artificial intelligence and/or machine learning, particularly in relation to big data, to improve an element of status quo or outright disrupt it
Smart living: start-ups whose primary technology or service aims to create solutions in the fields of health, transportation, construction and/or energy by exploring the uncharted fields on Earth and beyond
Cybersecurity: start-ups whose primary technology improves or create new security technology or outright disrupts the sector

The winners will be announced on 21 May during the ICT Spring Gala Dinner (separate registration required).
