우주 자원 스타트업 지원 사업 1차 접수 시작

유럽우주자원혁신센터(European Space Resources Innovation Center)에서 우주 자원 활용 기술을 보유한 스타트업을 위하여 세계 최초로 ‘우주 자원 관련 스타트업 인큐베이션 프로그램’을 시작한다. 전 세계에 있는 우주 자원 활용 기술 분야 비즈니스 아이디어 보유한 기업들이 1월 23일까지 온라인 지원을 마쳤다. 선정자들은 2월에 피칭세션을 치르게 된다.

The European Space Resources Innovation Centre (ESRIC) has launched a unique worldwide incubation programme entirely dedicated to space resources utilisation. The so-called Startup Support Programme (SSP) is aimed at supporting space start-ups in the development of space resources technology with terrestrial and/or space applications.

Three phases to develop space resources start-ups

The objective of the ESRIC SSP is to support start-ups in the critical early-stage ventures activities in 3 phases building on each other:

  • Phase 1 (3 months): Concept validation
  • Phase 2 (24 months): Incubation & Financial support for Prototyping and POC testing activities
  • Phase 3 (36 months): Business development

The objective is to strengthen and foster the development of a space resources ecosystem, leading to the next generation of space resources related business ideas.

Strong partnership

The SSP is run in cooperation with the European Space Agency (ESA), the Luxembourg Space Agency (LSA), the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Technoport SA, public and private partners, as well as with several entrepreneurs and investors from leading European space resources organisations.

Image credit: ESRIC