인더스트리 4.0 지원: Wizata

룩셈부르크에는 디지털 혁신을 전문으로 하는 다양한 회사가 있다. 디지털 플랫폼 전문기업 Wizata 사는 사물 인터넷, 인공지능, 머신러닝, 디지털 트윈과 같은 신기술로 얻은 데이터를 사용하여 산업 엔지니어들이 결정을 최적화하도록 돕고 있다.

What is the target group of Wizata?

Jean-Philippe Hugo, CEO, WizataJean-Philippe Hugo, CEO, Wizata: “We work with manufacturing industry in fields such as metals, mining, oil, energy and chemicals. Industrial engineers are constantly taking very complex decisions about how to use the assets of their plants in the best way possible. We help them optimise their decisions using data obtained with new technologies such as the internet of things, artificial intelligence, machine learning and digital twins.”

Luxembourg conveys an image of trust. Our customers feel reassured by the trustworthy image we have as a Luxembourg-based company.

How do you support your clients’ industry 4.0 projects?

“We have developed a digital platform that industrial companies can plug into their own systems in order to connect, manage and organise data flows stemming from their machines, production lines and facilities in one single place. The information obtained can be used for smart monitoring, industrial automation, preventive maintenance, anomaly detection, and so on.”

How does your base in Luxembourg help you interact with international customers?

“Luxembourg has a strong past in heavy industry and retains an excellent reputation in the field of advanced engineering which we can benefit from. On top of that, the country conveys an image of trust. When taking the decision to entrust us with access to their data and machinery, our customers feel reassured by the trustworthy image we have as a Luxembourg-based company.”
