Luxembourg ranks high in 2019 Index of Economic Freedom


Luxembourg ranks 9th in Europe and 17th in the world in the 2019 Index of Economic Freedom published by the Heritage Foundation. The country ranks particularly high for fiscal health, investment freedom, trade freedom and government integrity.
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Luxembourg 9th most liveable city for European expats


The ranking take into account criteria such as accommodation, infrastructure, personal security and health services.
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Pitch Your Start-up: €100,000 in prize money to boost your business


The 5th edition of Pitch Your Start-up will take place on 21 May 2019. Local and international start-ups can already apply online to try to win the €100,000 prize. Participation is free of charge.
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The University of Luxembourg launches interdisciplinary Space Master


In September 2019, the University of Luxembourg will launch a two-year interdisciplinary Space Master programme. The aim of the programme is to generate a talent pool of highly skilled engineers and innovative entrepreneurs who will be able to create and manage leading commercial space enterprises.
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Luxembourg returns to Vivatech


For the second consecutive year, Luxembourg’s start-up ecosystem will be represented at the international trade fair in Paris dedicated to new technologies which takes place in 100 days. This time, the country will have an even bigger pavilion and further highlight its assets.
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Supportive policies boost entrepreneurship in Luxembourg


Infrastructure and governmental policies are the main strengths of Luxembourg’s system of entrepreneurship, according to both experts and the overall population. The country also has the highest proportion of innovative start-ups in Europe.
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Industry is not dead


For the Chairman of the business federation FEDIL — the Voice of Luxembourg’s Industry, Industry 4.0 is just another chapter in the process of evolution and development of a sector that remains strong and has a capacity to respond to political or technological shocks.
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Building the smart factories of tomorrow


Read how some of Luxembourg’s leading manufacturing companies are introducing and leveraging Industry 4.0 today.
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Towards data-driven, high-value manufacturing solutions


In a data-driven economy, data is a key resource and enabler of innovation. Luxembourg offers an excellent infrastructure and the optimal environment for companies aiming to ride the digital wave and successfully implement Industry 4.0 to retain a competitive edge on the world market.
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Luxembourg sets up first European partnership on artificial intelligence with NVIDIA


The Luxembourg government, the country’s scientific community and NVIDIA will create a joint research laboratory for artificial intelligence (AI). Focusing on using AI and high performance computing to search for solutions to major societal challenges, the collaboration will also be successively opened to industrial companies and start-ups.
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Luxembourg first country to make public transport free of charge


From March 2020 onwards, anyone will be able to use public transport in Luxembourg for free. Similar initiatives to abolish transport fares already exist elsewhere in other cities, but this is the first time public transport will become completely free of charge throughout a whole country.
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LuxAI receives 2019 CES Innovation Award


Intensive early-age education and training of autistic children, to enhance their ability to communicate and interact with others, can radically improve these children’s lives. However, a major obstacle is the lack of specialised teachers and adequate therapies to respond to this vital need. LuxAI has developed QTrobot to help overcome this challenge.
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Luxembourg first country to make public transport free of charge


From March 2020 onwards, anyone will be able to use public transport in Luxembourg for free. Similar initiatives to abolish transport fares already exist elsewhere in other cities, but this is the fir...
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LuxAI receives 2019 CES Innovation Award


The Luxembourg start-up LuxAI was awarded for its QTrobot, which helps autistic children improve their capacity to communicate and manage social interactions. Intensive early-age education and trainin...
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Luxembourg is the 4th most globalised economy


The country also ranks high in social globalisation in the index of globalisation recently published by ETH Zürich.
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Luxembourg top ranked for global talent competitiveness


Luxembourg ranks 10th in the world for its capacity to grow, attract and retain talents.
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Belgium and Luxembourg collaborate on space resources exploration and use


On 23 January 2019, the two countries signed a declaration outlining their intention to collaborate on the development of an international framework for space resources exploration and utilisation.
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Salonkee raises €1 million from Luxembourg investors


The start-up specialising in online appointments for hairdressers and beauty salons closed its first round in mid-January, bringing together exclusively Luxembourg investors.
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[Blog post] Digital buzz: Trends and reality


Executing Luxembourg’s data-driven digital strategy over the last 12 months has taken Luxinnovation’s business development team to some of the well-known technology hubs across the world but also given an insight into emerging locations and their current focus.
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Passbolt raises €460,000 and attracts the Digital Tech Fund


Specialised in corporate password management, Luxembourg start-up Passbolt has just completed a €460,000 round of financing. This capital will enable it to strengthen its teams and improve its solut...
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Luxembourg ranks 3rd for small city of the future


Luxembourg follows closely behind Zürich and Belfast in this ranking established by the fDi intelligence division of the Financial Times.
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Towards a circular economy model


The focus and growing awareness of both politicians and the public is encouraging Luxembourg to move from a linear to a circular economy. The limitations of “extract — manufacture — consume — throw away” are becoming more and more apparent.
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From waste to energy


Founded in Luxembourg in 2008, Boson Energy has offices also in Poland, Sweden and Israel. The company pursues its development in Luxembourg and its expansion in Europe through several very promising projects, which aim at meeting the highest standards of energy efficiency and environmental protection. Luxinnovation spoke to Chief Communications Officer Heike Carl Zätterström about current projects and coming challenges.
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On the road to a coherent economic development


The international promotion of the Luxembourg economy, which was restructured two years ago, is now running well, supported by a strong network of representative offices abroad. Explanations from the president of the Trade & Investment Steering Committee, the body in charge of the implementation of this promotion.
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Extracting recyclable materials from wastewater


Considering wastewater not as water loaded with pollutants but as a resource: this is the approach adopted by Ama Mundu Technologies and the philosophy behind the company’s technology.
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Luxembourg cleantech business promoted at Pollutec fair


Promoting business opportunities for clean and sustainable technologies is a priority in Luxembourg. Several of the country’s innovative cleantech companies were recently invited to showcase their offer at a joint Luxembourg stand at the international Pollutec fair in France.
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Luxembourg’s city bikes go electric


Luxembourg is one of the first European capitals to offer a complete fleet of electric self-service bikes to citizens and visitors. Regardless of whether you are going from one business meeting to another or simply enjoying a few days of leisure, moving swiftly around Luxembourg City – and enjoying some fresh air and exercise at the same time – has never been easier.
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Fit 4 Start #8: applications are open


Following the success of the previous edition, which included nearly 230 applications from 38 different countries, the next season of the Fit 4 Start programme will once again reward the most innovative projects in information and communication technologies. The countdown has begun, ideas and projects can be submitted before 28 January 2019.
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Odysseus Space sets up headquarters in Luxembourg


Space technology specialist Odysseus Space has chosen Luxembourg as its base for expanding business in Europe. After winning the challenge of the ESA Space Exploration Masters competition, the company is now in the process of relocating its headquarters from Taiwan to Luxembourg.
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Taiwan and Luxembourg launch “working holiday” programme


The two partners will each year welcome up to 40 young Luxembourgish or Taiwanese nationals for a prolonged stay. The aim is to deepen the understanding and friendship between the regions and facilitate tourism, higher education and business exchange in the future.
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