New opportunity to accelerate your business with Luxembourg’s Fit 4 Start programme
On 21 December Luxinnovation’s new call for applications for its successful accelerator programme Fit 4 Start will open. Discover how previous participants have benefited from the programme.
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Innovative digital partnership between Monaco and Luxembourg
Supporting digitalisation in order to modernise the administration and foster innovation is a priority for both Monaco and Luxembourg. The two countries signed a declaration of intent on 6 December 2018 as a basis of collaboration in the digital field.
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Innovative digital partnership between Monaco and Luxembourg
룩셈부르크, 모나코와 혁신적인 디지털 파트너십 체결
행정 시스템의 현대화와 혁신 강화를 위한 디지털화는 룩셈부르크와 모나코 두 국가에게 모두 ...
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12 Michelin stars for Luxembourg
Ten Luxembourg restaurants are included in the 2019 Belgium and Luxembourg edition of the Michelin Guide, confirming once more the country’s status as an Eldorado for lovers of fine dining.
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New Happen magazine highlights Industry 4.0
Hot off the press, the second issue of Happen provides an insight into business opportunities and advantages in Luxembourg and showcases the country’s technological excellence and innovative spirit.
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Leading industrial firms expand in Luxembourg
Two main players in Luxembourg’s industrial landscape are investing: Ampacet is setting up two new plastics masterbatch production lines at its European headquarters here, and Cebi International is building a completely new research centre
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Life in Luxembourg
People make places and Luxembourg is no exception. Read about several how foreign CEOs are helping shape the country’s business landscape, why it is the best place to be for innovation and why the Grand Duchy is a great place to live.
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“Do space business with a strong institutional partner”
Japanese space robotics company ispace opened an office in Luxembourg in February 2017. “We were looking for a European base to expand our business development and operations,” says Managing Director Kyle Acierno. “When the Space Resource initiative was launched, we saw that the vision of the Luxembourg government was very similar to our own.”
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A space agency for business
Over the past two years, Luxembourg has established itself as the European hotspot for “new space” companies engaged in the commercial exploration and exploitation of space resources. In order to support its fast expanding space community, the country launched a business-oriented space agency in September 2018. The agency will support the industry, attract new companies, develop human resources and offer innovative financial solutions.
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“Guarantee our access to top-level skills”
With offices in the US, the UK and Singapore, space data and analytics company Spire opened its European headquarters in Luxembourg at the beginning of 2018. It was the initiative and Luxembourg’s innovative vision for the new space economy that first attracted the company’s interest. “Luxembourg definitely has all the ingredients for becoming a main centre for the space economy in the coming decade,” affirms CEO Peter Platzer.
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Hiring app Job Today raises $16 million of venture capital
Leading New York-based venture capital firm 14W joins the shareholders of Luxembourg start-up Job Today. In only three years, the company has succeeded in developing the number one hiring app on the UK market.
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Ehlinger: A testimony to the mastery of adaptation
“가족의 역사(Histoires de Familles)” 책, 룩셈부르크 기업가 가족 이야기 다뤄
메종 모던(Maison Moderne)이 룩셈부르크 은행(Banque de Luxembourg)과 공동으로 출...
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“Do space business with a strong institutional partner”
“강력한 파트너와 우주 비즈니스 사업을 하세요”
일본 우주 로봇 기업인 아이스페이스(ispace)는 2017년 2월 룩셈부르크에 사무실을 개소했다. 카일 ...
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“Guarantee our access to top-level skills”
“최고 수준 기술에 대한 접근을 보장합니다”
미국, 영국, 싱가포르에 지사를 두고 있는 미국 우주 기업 스파이어(Spire)는 2018년 초 룩셈부르크에 유럽...
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A space agency for business
우주 산업을 위한 기관, 룩셈부르크 우주국(Luxembourg Space Agency)
지난 2년 동안, 룩셈부르크는 우주 자원의 상업 탐사와 개발에 종사하는 “신우주” 기...
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Hiring app Job Today raises $16 million of venture capital
룩셈부르크 고용 앱 개발 스타트업, 1,600만 달러 상당 벤처 자본 확보
뉴욕 기반의 벤처캐피털 14W가 룩셈부르크 고용 앱 개발 스타트업 Job Today의 주주...
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Life in Luxembourg
룩셈부르크의 삶
룩셈부르크에서 어떻게 외국인 CEO들이 비즈니스 환경을 구축해 가는 지, 왜 룩셈부르크가 가장혁신 적이고 가장 살기 좋은 나라 인지...
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New issue of Happen magazine highlights Industry 4.0
룩셈부르크 비즈니스 매거진 ‘Happen’, 인더스트리 4.0 조명
룩셈부르크 연간 비즈니스 매거진 ‘Happen’의 두 번쨰 호가 발간되었다. 이번 호에서는 ...
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12 Michelin stars for Luxembourg
룩셈부르크의 미슐랭 스타 레스토랑
룩셈부르크의 레스토랑 10 곳이 ‘2019년 벨기에 및 룩셈부르크 미슐랭 가이드판(2019 Belgium and Luxembourg edition of the Mi...
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How business is changing the space game
National space agencies with huge public budgets are no longer the only ones able to venture into space: today, private companies realise and fund their own space missions. The NewSpace Europe conference hosted in Luxembourg on 27-28 November focused on how free enterprise and the use of normal business practices are disrupting the space sector and creating a completely new industry.
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Luxembourg ranks 7th worldwide for English proficiency
A recent study by Education First places Luxembourg among the 12 countries out of 88 that show “very high proficiency”.
European countries dominate the ranking and occupy 10 of the 12 places in th...
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Luxinnovation and Maison Moderne are proud to announce the publication of the second issue of Happen
Happen is an annual business magazine that unveils the technological excellence and innovative spirit of Luxembourg and its companies to an international audience.
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Luxembourg ranks 9th in the world for attracting talent
Luxembourg ranks 9th in the world for its ability to develop, attract and retain highly skilled professionals. The country even gains one place in this year’s edition of the IMD World Talent Ranking.
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Evvos wins best European agritech start-up award
Luxembourg start-up Evvos is one of 18 companies that were recognised as the best start-ups in Europe. Evvos won the StartUp Europe Award in the category “agritech” for its innovative solution enabling farmers to measure environmental parameters to support planting, irrigation and harvesting using remote sensors.
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Horizon 2020: Opportunities for business innovation
With a budget of €74 billion for the period 2014-2020, Horizon 2020 is the EU’s biggest funding programme for research and innovation ever. Companies in Luxembourg are benefitting from this funding to implement their business strategies and develop new innovative offers.
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Mapping hotel DNA
Luxembourg-based start-up Travelsify uses artificial intelligence to help internet users find the hotels and restaurants that can provide them with exactly the experience they are looking for. The company has recently raised €5 million in a new funding round led by AccorHotels.
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Start-up expertise for safeguarding data
Data has become the most precious asset in the new digital economy – and, as a consequence, the target of increasingly frequent and sophisticated cyber attacks. Luxinnovation spoke to four start-ups about current cybersecurity trends and their view of the Luxembourg cybersecurity ecosystem.
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Luxembourg on top 10 list for economic potential of digital economies of the future
The country is ranked 8th in the world and 2nd in Europe for economic potential in the fDi’s Digital Economies of the Future 2018/19 study.
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Funding, network, innovation
Two more years and ample budgets still remain of Horizon 2020, the EU’s framework programme for research and innovation for the period 2014-2020. Over 80 participants joined Luxinnovation’s Horizon 2020 Day on 25 October to discover the funding opportunities available in 2019 and 2020 and learn more about how to apply for funding and manage Horizon 2020 projects with success.
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Luxembourg ranks 7th worldwide for English proficiency
A recent study by Education First places Luxembourg among the 12 countries out of 88 that show “very high proficiency”.
European countries dominate the ranking and occupy 10 of the 12 places in th...
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